What Are Your Personal Core Values?

Everything you need to know about how to identify your personal core values, what they mean, and how to apply them.

Drawing of heart with cardiogram and pile of money on scales. Life choice health or career metaphor. Single line art style.

What’s more important, health or career? by rina - adobe.stock.com

Take a moment and ask yourself if you know what your personal core values are.

When is the last time that you thought about them?

It is actually quite common for us to lose sight of our core values, especially during times of stress or when life gets busy.

What comes to mind when you think of your own personal value?

Personal Core Values Meaning

At the very least, values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide attitudes or actions. Personal core values are a central part of who you are and who you want to be.

Values are like fingerprints. Nobodies are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do.
— Elvis Presley

Why Personal Core Values Are Important

Values can change over time for a variety of reasons, however when we lose track of our values, we can be easily influenced by other people or our environment.

Identifying your personal core values can be challenging. However, it’s worth taking the time to figure out so that you can use them as a guiding force to point you in the right direction and to assist you in living life more authentically.

In therapy, we explore core values to help you:

  • Reconnect with yourself when you are lost.

  • Gain clarity on what’s important to you.

  • Work through a moral dilemma and problem solve.

  • Examine if your current lifestyle is consistent with your personal core values.

  • Explore any conflicts between your lifestyle and your identified values; and the impact it may be having on your mood, anxiety, stress, energy level, motivation, and outlook.

  • Strengthen your motivation and commit to change.

  • Gain insights on how to change lifestyle habits to improve your quality of life.

  • Make progress in the stages of change model of overcoming addiction and breaking out of unhelpful behavior cycles.

  • Reduce impulsive behaviors.

  • Set meaningful goals that are realistic and achievable.

How to Identify Your Personal Core Values

Since personal core values encompasses so many different ideas and concepts, it can be hard to know where to start. Afterall, the possibilities are endless!

With that in mind, we put together some resources to help your through the process. Below is a step-by-step guide, to get started.

Step 1 : Find a List

  • Option A: Use your search engine to look up a list of personal core values and see what resonates with you.

  • Option B: Check out our list below.

  • Option C: Check out our personal core values list pdf, for a much more detailed list.

Seeking Solace NYC list of personal core values

Seeking Solace NYC: Personal Core Values List

Step 2: Narrow it Down

Pick out 15 of the values that you resonate most with. If you come up with more than 15, narrow it down.

Step 3: Rate Level of Importance

Out of those 15 values, take a moment to reflect on its level of importance to you and separate the values based on the following categories:

  • A. Very Important

  • B. Kind of Important

Step 4: Top 10

Using the above categories, narrow your list of values down to top 10. Rank them according to level of importance.

Step 5: Top 5

Now narrow the list down to 5 values that you would identify as your top 5 personal core values. I know this is hard, I have done it myself, but give it a try.

Step 6: Self-Reflect

Reflect on your top 5 values and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do your top 5 values say about you as a person?

  • Have your values shifted over time?

  • How do these values influence your decisions?

  • Can you think of a time that you acted in a way that conflicted with these values? How did you feel?

  • How much does your current behavior match these values?

  • Are there any specific values that you want to have, but do not? What is appealing about these? How might your life be different if you lived according to those values?

  • What is one thing you can do this week that aligns with your values?

Tip: try journaling your responses.

What do you think?

Did you find this values exercise helpful? What did you learn about yourself? Would you be interested in more resources, such as a worksheet or workbook?

Let us know! Share your comments, questions, and experiences in the comments below.

This content is intended for informational purposes, and is not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, therapy or treatment.

Seeking Solace NYC

Confidential & Secure Teletherapy for adults in New York and Connecticut. Using a person-centered holistic approach, we meet you where you are at wherever that may be.


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